domingo, 3 de agosto de 2014

Download Free Good Doom port?

I am actually having trouble finding a good free Doom port for Android. This is fairly shocking to me considering how the Doom community prides themselves on getting everything and anything to run Doom... this seems to be a fairly large gaping hole in 85% of the smartphone market. There are a couple of good looking PAID ones I suppose, but I would assume there would be a few free ones floating about.

This is the best I can find, I haven't tried it yet:

[Edit: It looks like you can't use WADs with this so it's just the shareware version so that's out...]

Presumably it comes with all the fun Amazon App Store stuff like needing to run via WiFi the first time you run it or else it refuses to start up.

Any suggestions for ones I might have missed?

Download link Doom port?

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